Using slideshare

From ilri-comms ilriwikis

We use to publish presentations (ppt format ideally) and posters (pdf format ideally). It is important when uploading a presentation or poster to follow these steps:

  1. give the file a short explanatory file name
  2. ensure you know the authors/presenters of the poster or presentation
  3. ensure you know the date (ideally month and year) of the poster or presentation
  4. Identify the event or meeting where the poster or presentation was used.

After uploading:

  1. give the item the full official title from the poster or presentation
  2. in the description field enter further information on the poster or presentation:
    • “Presentation by Susan Macmillan, Dorine Adhoch and Jo Bloe to the 17th inter-center meeting on public awareness, Rome, November 2009”
    • “poster by Susan Macmillan, Dorine Adhoch and Jo Bloe for the ILRI Board of Trustees meeting, Addis Ababa, November 2009”
  3. Give the item tags:
    • Always ILRI, any others
    • For posters: ILRI, poster, any others
    • Use the master list of ILRI categories to assign:
      • Subject tags, e.g. animal health, biotechnology,
      • Region and/or country tags, e.g. Somalia, East Africa, Africa
      • ILRI organization tags, e.g. PLE, CaSt
  4. Give the item the category ‘technology’
  5. The privacy setting should be ‘everyone(public)’
  6. The license should be ‘CC by 4.0’
  7. After the poster or presentation has been uploaded, it is indexed in CGSpace.