Nairobi Feb-Mar 2017 IRMC communications discussion
Communications and Knowledge Management ‘Working Together Better’ session at the IRMC workshop 27 Feb–1 Mar 2017
Ideas (in no particular order) from the general discussion
following the presentation by Shirley Tarawali and from
the World Café table group discussions
on media news and social media that followed.
Send email letters to donors of news clippings about work funded by those donors
WEB PRESENCE Consider adding new tag words for ILRI tagging of materials
Consider moving some wiki sites to pages of the ILRI main website so that this content gets more professional housing and a broader audience
Redo the look and feel of the ILRI website, and improve the content published on the research and regional pages
Centralize the management of ILRI Flickr and other sites to ensure there are no redundant sites
Make the websites of ILRI collaborative projects more professional; be more flexible about modifying these as requested by project staff
Find ways to continuously update ilrinet content
Do not oversaturate readers with ILRI information
SOCIAL MEDIA Do more to target individuals and specific donors and partner organizations on social media platforms
EMBEDDED COMMUNICATIONS STAFF Improve the evaluation and empowerment of the communications staff embedded in program and regions
Corporate communications staff should always copy embedded communications staff in communications issues related to their programs/regions and vice versa
Ensure clear action points and clarify the broader communications roles of the embedded communications staff
Improve networking among the embedded communications staff
Note that the qualifications of the embedded communications staff vary greatly
Clarify who is responsible for project communications
ALL COMMUNICATIONS STAFF Occasionally invite program leaders to participate in the regular meetings of communications teams in Addis and Nairobi
Reinvigorate communications teamwork among embedded and corporate communications staff
REGIONAL COMMUNICATIONS Raise ILRI’s regional visibility through promotion of launches and other high-profile events and through publication of policy and foresight materials
Regional communications request fewer ‘approval hurdles’ and more flexibility and independence
Find ways to hire communications staff to be embedded in each region
Do more to highlight regional success stories
Try organizing the next corporate report along regional structures and stories
TRANLSATIONS Raise the priority of translating materials into French (for West Africa) and other languages, as appropriate, by (1) project putting such translating work into their budgets and (2) being more innovative about how to get these translations done (e.g., get co-authors on papers to do the translations cheaply)
COMMUNICATIONS ETHICS Create an ethics policy for how to handle situations where there is pressure to suppress publication of research results due to national concerns and/or political considerations, in awareness of the fact that some government agencies are unlikely to favour giving the green light to publications including results that could alarm their constituencies or make the governments look bad in some way
Ensure that stories that do not originate from ILRI staff are attributed correctly, e.g., by highlighting the first authors of papers with non-ILRI first authors.
Make sure ILRI does not appear to hijack the work/results of other organizations, e.g., stress donors and partners rather than ILRI
COMMUNICATIONS INTEGRITY Note that the rush to publish results can threated the integrity of that data and the reputation of ILRI
Improve the ‘Self-critical culture’—evidence-based—at ILRI
Note that English scientific writing talent is lacking among many ILRI communications staff and scientists
Note that virtual communications have serious limitations
Better balance the tendency of communications staff to ‘hype’ reality
Find ways to disrupt the normal ‘homophilic’ tendencies of people so as to enable staff to ‘hear new things’ and ‘get new perspectives’
STORY DEVELOPMENT Develop and institute mechanisms to collect and highlight the ‘big stories’ from ILRI
ILRI communications staff should regularly request program and regional staff to provide them with their ‘big’ upcoming stories
Programs should provide lists of upcoming events, story ideas.
Do more to get others in other countries to tell our stories, including having ILRI staff based outside of Kenya and Ethiopia to inform ILRI communications staff of such opportunities
Do more to ensure that ILRI communications do not appear too bitty/fragmented—lacking the larger context
MISCELLANEOUS Use Up Work to hire consultants, especially for such work as transcription and multimedia
Be prepared to give extra communications support to the launch of ILRI’s new Genebank at the April Board Meeting in Addis
ILRI scientists should work for higher presence on Research Gate.