Awareness and advocacy

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Twitter handles and hashtags of key institutional partners

@ILRI (hashtags: #livestock, #livestockCRP, #WhyLivestockMatter, #sustlivestock, #livestock4dev, #globaldev)

@BecAHub (Biosciences eastern and central Africa-ILRI Hub)


@CGIARgender (CGIAR gender topics)

@CGIARnutrition (CGIAR nutrition topics)

@CGIAR_Data (CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture)

@cgiarclimate (CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security)

@ispc_cgiar (CGIAR Independent Science and Partnership Council)

@A4NH_CGIAR (CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health)

@Livestock_CGIAR (CGIAR Research Program on Livestock)

@LivestockMatter (Global Livestock Advocacy for Development initiative)

@GALVmed (Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines)

@GaLivestock (Livestock Global Agenda)

@Livestock_Lab (Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems)

@ctlgh_info (Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health)

@LD4D_community (Livestock Data for Decisions; hashtag #LiveGAPS)

@FCRNetwork (Food and Climate Research Network)

@MarchmontComms (Marchmont Communications)

@Burness (ILRI media and communications consultants)

@IFADnews (International Fund for Agricultural Development)

@OIEAnimalHealth (World Organisation for Animal Health)

@FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)



@Heifer (Heifer International)

@WURlivestock (Wageningen University and Research)

@wef (World Economic Forum, with its ‘Meat: The Future’ initiative)

@UN_CFS (United Nations Committee on World Food Security)

@AgriFoodNet (International Agri-Food Network)

@1000Days (Initiative to improve nutrition for women and children)

@DonorPlatform (Network of 40 bilateral donors for rural development)





@AfDB_Group (African Development Bank)






@DFID_UK (hashtag #UKaid)



@CSIROnews (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia)

@ACIARAustralia (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research)

@dfat (Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade)

@IDRC_CRDI (Canadian International Development Agency)

@CanadaDev (Global Affairs Canada)

@GIZ_gmbh (German development agency)

@SIDA (Swedish International Development Agency)
