Nairobi Comms Meetings

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ILRI Nairobi 2012 (Jun) comms team meeting

8 June 2012, 11:30am


  1. Albert Mwangi
  2. Angeline Wafula
  3. Evelyn Katingi
  4. Hilary Wanyiri
  5. Jane Gitau
  6. Paul Karaimu
  7. Susan MacMillan
  8. Tezira Lore


  • Angeline Wafula, the new Knowledge Sharing and Communication Officer in Nairobi, was welcomed to the meeting for the first time.

Komms Klinic update Date for this meeting is Tuesday10 July 2012 Meeting discussed possible outline of the Klinic and agreed on the following:

  • Ten-minute (PowerPoint) presentation on public awareness will be done at the start of the Klinic.
  • This will be followed by an interactive session respond to audience’s public awareness concerns (e.g getting public awareness for scientific products at ILRI)
  • Small group discussions will be set up to address specifics such as messages, PowerPoint presentations, using blogs and wikis etc.
  • Earlier planned brown bag lunch will not be held and is planned for later to support seminars.
  • Nairobi comms team members to invite and confirm at least one person each for the event.
  • Susan MacMillan is preparing a PowerPoint about public awareness for the event. Details to be finalized following meeting with Ewen Le Borgne next Friday 15 June.
  • Evelyn Kating and Hillary Wanyiri will assist in facilitating the Komms Klinic.
  • Webex to be set up for the event
  • Invitation messages to be creative and exciting consider not using 'public awareness.'

Update from Jane Gitau Jane Gitau gave an overview of the dryland systems CRP (1.1) meeting held this week at ILRI. A wiki of the dryland systems meeting will be created.

CRP meeting next week

  • Comms staff (who have time) to attend CRP meeting at the Tribe hotel next week to support Ewen Le Borgne once the dates are confirmed
  • Did we agree on how people will travel there?

Update from Evelyn Katingi

  • Following changes in Biotech structure, Evelyn Katingi is now supporting communication for CGIAR Research Program on Livestock and Fish and Biotech theme work related to Livestock and Fish .
  • Gave update on workshop on Small Ruminant Value Chain held in Ethiopia last week and resulting communication needs.
  • Evelyn may call on comms staff support in sourcing information for Livestock and Fish related information for new CG website.

New CGIAR branding

  • Roll out of the branding guidelines to start this July including but not limited to new email signatures.
  • Staff free to start making changes in line with above e.g. adopting the new email signatures.
  • New ILRI landing page in the CGIAR website was reviewed and meeting informed of communication needs that may be needed to highlight the key stories in the new page once the site goes live in July.
  • Email use: Meeting suggested review of email etiquette by staff to avoid misuse, especially in regards to sharing unimportant emails with all staff. ICT to consider sending reminder of etiquette guidelines and setting up moderators for certain groups?

Next meeting

  • Friday 15 June 2012 at the Comms Hub (Info Centre) at 11.00am