Komms Klinics checklist page
From ilri-comms ilriwikis
What to do when you want to organize a Komms Klinics session?
At soonest:
- Inform [Tsehay Gashaw] and [Ewen Le Borgne] in Addis or [Angeline Wafula] and [Evelyn Katingi] in Nairobi so they can guide you in preparing the session and following the standards.
4 weeks before the session:
- Develop a dedicated poster explaining what the session is about to accompany the email invitation - you can use this template: File:KK_Public Awareness Advert.ppt;
- Develop a presentation that supports the session and upload it on the ILRI slideshare (or send it to [Bizuwork Mulat]). The template for that presentation is available here: [[:File:[Template] Komms Klinic 2012-x_title.ppt]]
- (Possibly) Invite external resource persons to help you with the presentation or facilitation.
3 weeks before the session:
- Prepare a session outline using this template File:KK session outline v.2.dot and fill out all blocks.
- Announce the session as a Yammer event on the ILRINet group (or any other relevant Yammer group or network e.g. Addis campus, Nairobi campus, communications).
- Put the event in the Google calendar (events at ILRI, events by ILRI, relevant venue).
2 weeks before the session:
- Create a wiki page on the ILRI training wiki and store all materials there (including the link to the presentation and the session outline file) on that page;
- Announce your session on coffee morning/morning coffee if it is not taking place the week after.
- Prepare a flipchart sheet or poster with registration sheet for participants to enroll.
1 week before the session:
- Announce your session:
At coffee mornings/morning coffees; As an event email invitation to all ILRI staff and campus staff; Prepare the evaluation form, using and printing out this template: File:TO PRINT_Evaluation form x2.pptx
During the session:
- Introduce the KommsKlinics session using the standard presentation;
- Hand out the evaluation forms at the end to get feedback and insist on giving suggestions for improvement on the other side of the assessment form.
Right after the session:
- Conduct an 'After Action Review' to draw lessons from the session on content, process, logistics, together with Angela, Evelyn, Tsehay and Ewen (to keep the learning over the entire cycle) and share the documentation of that AAR on Yammer or so.
1 week - max 10 days - after the session:
- Report the evaluation results on the relevant session page.
- Report the session on the ' list of sessions provided' page with a link to the session page.
- Report the list of participants on the ' list of trainees' page (either for Addis, Nairobi).
- Upload (if not done before) the presentation onto Slideshare (get Bizuwork to do this?).
- Write a blog post about the session on the Maarifa blog, embedding the presentation from Slideshare.
- Make sure the presentation (uploaded on Slideshare) is available from the event page on the KK wiki.
- Come back to the physical participants by email to thank them for their presence (and inputs in case of an interactive session) and explain what will happen with their inputs.
- Update the Yammer event page with links to all materials and results.