CKM Induction steps

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Communications and Knowledge Management Induction (new staff and refresher information for staff)

CKM will organize a induction separate from the joint institutional inductions, to support the induction process coordinated by People and Organizational Development (POD), this is to allow a more in depth presentation to staff on the scope of communication activities at ILRI.

Process steps:

  • The POD team organize a group of people, who joined within a month time in one group, and then they will inform the CKM team to get prepared for the session. Contact person, in Addis (Tsehay Gashaw, and in Nairobi (Angeline Nekesa,
  • Once we agreed on the agenda with POD, then POD will send email to the new comers on the planned date and location

Peter and Tsehay has prepared on general CKM induction package for new comers and for anyone who needs refresher. here is the general CKM presentation:presentation on "Introducing ILRI’s knowledge sharing and communication services and tools"

  • Then we will take therm through this general presentation
  • We give them live demo on Yammer and UPDATING THEIR website profile, if time allows.
  • At the end of the session, we give them a print out of list of links for the different tools/platforms we are using. here is the link:ILRI communication and sharing tools

Induction to comms staff

  • The induction will be prepared both in Addis and Nairobi [the objective of this induction is to let the new comms staff meet most of the CKM team, learn and share the different tools we re using, approaches, methods and mainly the guides to keep the quality work]
  • They meet the Nairobi comms colleagues to know and learn what is going on in different projects, teams and in general in the campus. And may be zoomed in to their respective project, team tools if there is any.
  • They meet with each of the CKM Addis team MEMBERS to get in-depth induction and hand-on session on different tools we are using, the content guidelines, standards and procedures.
  • The hand on session will focus specifically on their respective team, project or program comms needs and tools.

Quick induction for new comers or any in one in hurry but wants to know how to get in to ILRI’s knowledge, we take them through the BIG 5

  • Finding and following ILRI’s knowledge
  • Updating profile on the website
  • Working with wikis
  • Sharing update with yammer
  • Searching information on CGspace

Some useful resources Check about yammer ILRI communication and sharing tools Introducing ILRI’s knowledge sharing and communication services and tools Introduction to ILRI's 'big five' knowledge shareing and communication tools